Part 4: Parametric Equations and Polar Coordiantes

4.1 Planar Parametrizations

Textbook References

4.1.1 Parametric Equations

4.1.2 Parametrizing Curves Defined by Functions

4.1.3 Parametrizing Line Segments

Exercises for 4.1

  1. Plot the parametric curve \(x=2-t^2,y=2t^2\) for \(0\leq t\leq 3\), first by using a chart of \(t,x,y\) values, then by expressing the curve as an equation of \(x,y\).
  2. Plot the parametric curve \(x=3^t,y=3^{-t}\) for \(-\infty<t<\infty\), first by using a chart of \(t,x,y\) values, then by expressing the curve as an equation of \(x,y\).
  3. Show that the systems of parametric equations \(x_0=t+2,y_0=e^2e^t\) and \(x_1=\ln t,y_1=t\) share the same parametric curve. Then plot that curve.
  4. Give a system of parametric equations for the curve \(y=\cosh x\) from \((-\ln 2,5/4)\) to \((\ln 2,5/4)\).
  5. Give a system of parametric equations for the line segment joining \((0,-4)\) and \((3,5)\).
  6. Give a system of parametric equations for the line segment joining \((1,2)\) and \((-3,3)\).
  7. Give two different systems of parametric equations for the portion of the line \(y=4-3x\) between \(x=-2\) and \(x=3\).
  8. (Optional) Let \(a<b\). Find a system of parametric equations which parametrizes the planar curve \(y=f(x)\) right-to-left from \(x=b\) to \(x=a\).


4.2 Applications of Parametrizations

Textbook References

4.2.1 Parametric Formula for \(dy/dx\)

4.2.2 Arclength

4.2.3 Surface Areas from Revolution

Exercises for 4.2

  1. Find the line tangent to the curve parametrized by \(x=t^2,y=t^3\) at the point where \(t=-2\).
  2. Show that the line tangent to the curve parametrized by \(x=3\sin t,y=3\cos t\) at the point \((\frac{3}{2},\frac{3\sqrt 3}{2})\) has the equation \(y=2\sqrt{3}-\frac{1}{\sqrt 3}x\). (Hint: \(\frac{1}{\sqrt 3}\frac{3}{2}=\frac{\sqrt 3}{2}\).)
  3. Find the point on the parametric curve \(x=2t^2+1,y=t^4-4t\) which has a horizontal tangent line.
  4. Use the arclength formula to find the length of the line segment joining \((-2,6)\) and \((3,-6)\).
  5. Use the arclength formula to prove that the circumference of a circle of radius \(R\) is \(2\pi R\).
  6. Show that the arclength of the curve parameterized by \(x=\cos 2t\), \(y=2t+\sin 2t\), \(0\leq t\leq \pi/2\) is \(4\). (Hint: \(1+\cos 2t=2\cos^2 t\).)
  7. Find the area of the surface obtained by rotating the curve parameterized by \(x=\cos t,y=2+\sin t,0\leq t\leq \pi/2\) around the \(x\)-axis.
  8. Use the parametric equations \(x=t,y=t,0\leq t\leq 1\) to show that the surface area of the cone of height \(1\) and radius \(1\) is \(\pi(\sqrt 2+1)\). (Hint: Don’t forget to add the area of the base of the cone.)
  9. (Optional) Show that the surface area of the cone of height \(H\) and radius \(R\) is \(\pi R(\sqrt{H^2+R^2}+R)\).
  10. (Quiz) Find the point on the parametric curve \(x=e^{3t}+5,y=e^{2t}-2t+1\) which has a horizontal tangent line.
    • \((e^3,e^2)\)
    • \((6,2)\)
    • \((5,e-1)\)
    • (Note: the quiz given in class had (6,0) as a choice by mistake, making the correct answer D.)
  11. (Quiz) Which of these integrals gives the arclength of the curve \(y=x^2-3x+4\) between \((1,2)\) and \((3,4)\)?
    • \(\int_1^3\sqrt{4t^2-12t+10}\,dt\)
    • \(\int_2^4\sqrt{2t+3t^2}\,dt\)
    • \(\int_0^1(4+2t)\,dt\)


4.3 Polar Coordinates

Textbook References

4.3.1 Definition of Polar Coordinates

4.3.2 Equations Relating Polar and Cartesian Coordinates

4.3.3 Common Polar Equations

Exercises for 4.3

  1. Convert the polar coordinates \(p(\sqrt 3,2\pi/3),p(\sqrt 2,\pi/4),p(2,7\pi/6),p(-\sqrt 3,-\pi/3)\) to Cartesian and plot them in the \(xy\) plane.
  2. Convert the Cartesian coordinates \((4,-4),(-\frac{3}{2},-\frac{\sqrt 3}{2})\) into polar coordinates.
  3. Convert the polar equation \(r=\frac{5}{\sqrt{25-9\sin^2\theta}}\) into a Cartesian equation. Name the curve.
  4. Convert the Cartesian equation \(1-\frac{y}{x^2+y^2}=\frac{3}{\sqrt{x^2+y^2}}\) into a polar equation.
  5. Convert the Cartesian equation for the line \(y=\frac{x}{\sqrt 3}\) into a polar equation.
  6. Sketch the region where \(0< 3\sec\theta\leq r\leq 6\cos\theta\). (Hint: Completing the square in \(x^2-6x+y^2=0\) yields \((x-3)^2+y^2=9\).)
  7. Sketch the cardioid \(r=3+3\sin\theta\).
  8. Sketch the cardioids \(r=1+\cos\theta\) and \(r=1-\cos\theta\). At what points do they intersect?
  9. (OPTIONAL) Sketch the “three-leaved rose” \(r=\sin 3\theta\).
  10. (QUIZ) Which of these polar coordinates gives the point \((-\sqrt3,1)\)?
    • \(p(\sqrt2,3\pi/4)\)
    • \(p(\sqrt3,\pi/3)\)
    • \(p(2,5\pi/6)\)
  11. (QUIZ) Convert the circle \(x^2+(y-4)^2=16\) into a polar equation.
    • \(r=16\)
    • \(r=8\sin\theta\)
    • \(r=12\cos^2\theta-4\sin^2\theta\)
  12. (QUIZ) Which of these equations gives the curve drawn below?
    • \(r=3+3\cos\theta\)
    • \(r=3-3\sin\theta\)
    • \(r=3\tan\theta\)


Solutions 1-5

Solutions 6-12

4.4 Areas and Lengths using Polar Coordinates

Textbook References

4.4.1 Area Between Polar Curves

4.4.2 Length of a Polar Curve

Exercises for 4.4

  1. Find the area inside \(r=\cos2\theta\) where \(0\leq\theta\leq\pi/4\).
  2. Find the area bounded by the cardioid \(r=1-\cos\theta\).
  3. Sketch the region where \(|x|\leq y\leq\sqrt{1-x^2}+1\). Show that its area is \(\frac{\pi}{2}+1\). (Hint: Show that this is the area inside \(r=2\sin\theta\) where \(\pi/4\leq\theta\leq3\pi/4\).)
  4. Find the length of one rotation of the spiral \(r=e^\theta\).
  5. Use the polar arclength formula to show that the circumference of the circle \(r=4\sin\theta\) is \(4\pi\).
  6. Show that the length of the cardioid \(r=2+2\cos\theta\) is \(\int_0^{2\pi}\sqrt{8+8\cos\theta}\,d\theta=16\).
  7. (OPTIONAL) Prove that if \(x=f(\theta)\cos\theta\) and \(y=f(\theta)\sin\theta\) then \(\int_\alpha^\beta\sqrt{ (\frac{dx}{d\theta})^2+(\frac{dy}{d\theta})^2 }\,d\theta =\int_\alpha^\beta\sqrt{ (f(\theta))^2+(f’(\theta))^2 }\,d\theta\).
  8. (QUIZ) Which of these integrals is the area of the cardioid \(r=4+4\sin\theta\)?
    • \(\int_0^{2\pi}(8+16\sin\theta+8\sin^2\theta)\,d\theta\)
    • \(\int_0^{\pi/2}(16+16\sin^2\theta)\,d\theta\)
    • \(\int_0^{\pi}6\sin^2\theta\,d\theta\)
  9. (QUIZ) Which of these integrals is the length of the curve \(r=\cos^2\theta\) where \(0\leq\theta\leq\pi/2\)?
    • \(\int_0^{\pi/2}4\sin\theta\sqrt{1-\cos^2\theta}\,d\theta\)
    • \(\int_0^{\pi/2}(\cos^4\theta-\pi)\,d\theta\)
    • \(\int_0^{\pi/2}\cos\theta\sqrt{1+3\sin^2\theta}\,d\theta\)

Solutions 1-7 Solutions 8-9