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Intro to Topology

Section 9 Quotient Spaces

Definition 9.2.

The topology defined in Theorem 9.1 is called the quotent topology, and \(X^*\) is called a quotient space or identification space.

Definition 9.4.

A subset \(R\subseteq X^2\) is called a relation on \(X\text{,}\) where the notation \(xRy\) is equivalent to writing \(\tuple{x,y}\in R\text{.}\)
A relation \(\sim\) on \(X\) is called an equivalence relation if it satisfies the following for all \(x,y,z\in X\text{.}\)
  1. \(x\sim x\text{.}\) (Reflexivity)
  2. \(x\sim y\) implies \(y\sim x\text{.}\) (Symmetry)
  3. \(x\sim y\) and \(y\sim z\) implies \(y\sim z\text{.}\) (Transitivity)

Definition 9.7.

Let \(\sim\) be an equivalence relation on a topological space \(X\text{.}\) Then \(X/\sim\) denotes the quotient space defined by the partition \(X^*\) given in Theorem 9.6.

Checkpoint 9.10. Curves and surfaces defined as quotients.

Show that each of the following Euclidean subspaces and quotients of Euclidean subspaces are homeomorphic.
  1. \(X=[0,1]/\sim\) where \(0\sim 1\text{,}\) and \(Y=\setBuilder{\tuple{x,y}\in\mb R^2}{x^2+y^2=1}\text{.}\)
  2. \(X=[0,2]/\sim\) where \(0\sim 1\sim 2\text{,}\) and \(Y=\setBuilder{\tuple{x,y}\in\mb R^2}{(x-1)^2+y^2=1}\cup\setBuilder{\tuple{x,y}\in\mb R^2}{(x+1)^2+y^2=1}\text{.}\)
  3. \(X=[0,1]^2/\sim\) where \(\tuple{0,y}\sim\tuple{1,y}\text{,}\) and \(Y=\setBuilder{\tuple{x,y}\in\mb R^2}{1\leq x^2+y^2\leq 2}\text{.}\)
  4. \(X=[0,1]^2/\sim\) where \(\tuple{x,y}\sim\tuple{z,w}\) whenever at least one of \(x,y\) and at least one of \(z,w\) is in \(\setList{0,1}\text{,}\) and \(Y=\setBuilder{\tuple{x,y,z}\in\mb R^2}{1\leq x^2+y^2+z^2=1}\text{.}\)

Definition 9.11.

The hypersphere of dimension \(n\) is the quotient space \(S^n=[0,1]^n/\sim\) given by \(\vec x\sim\vec y\) whenever there exist \(i,j\in\setList{0,\dots,n}\) such that \(\vec x(i),\vec y(j)\in\setList{0,1}\text{.}\)

Definition 9.12.

The Möbius strip is the quotient space \(M=[0,1]^2/\sim\) given by \(\tuple{0,y}\sim\tuple{1,1-y}\text{.}\)

Definition 9.13.

The torus is the quotient space \(T=[0,1]^2/\sim\) given by \(\tuple{0,y}\sim\tuple{1,y}\) and \(\tuple{x,0}\sim\tuple{x,1}\text{.}\)

Definition 9.14.

The Klein bottle is the quotient space \(K=[0,1]^2/\sim\) given by \(\tuple{0,y}\sim\tuple{1,1-y}\) and \(\tuple{x,0}\sim\tuple{x,1}\text{.}\)