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Intro to Topology

Appendix A Assumptions

Here is a brief overview of basic results and definitions concerning sets and the reals that should be assumed for this course.

Definition A.1.

  • \(\mb R\) is the set of real numbers.
  • \(\mb Z\) is the set of integers.
  • \(\omega=\setBuilder{z\in\mb Z}{z\geq 0}=\setList{0,1,2,\dots}\) is the set of natural numbers, which includes zero.
  • \(\mb Q=\setBuilder{\frac{z}{n+1}}{z\in\mb Z,n\in\omega}\) is the set of rational numbers.

Definition A.5.

The cardinality of a finite set is the natural number that is equal to the number of elements it contains. For example, \(S=\setL{-1,\setL{5,-e},\pi}\) has cardinality \(|S|=3\text{.}\)
A set \(S\) that has an injection with \(\omega\) is said to be countable and have cardinality \(|S|\leq\aleph_0\text{.}\) If a bijection exists, the set is countably infinite and has cardinality \(|S|=\alpha_0\text{.}\)
A set \(S\) that has no injection with \(\omega\) is said to be uncountable and have cardinality \(|S|>\aleph_0\text{.}\)
A set \(S\) that has a bijection with \(\mb R\) is said to be continuum-sized and have cardinality \(|S|=\mathfrak c\text{.}\)